Kérjük támogasd azzal az oldalt, hogy a reklámblokkolókat kikapcsolod. Köszönjük!


  • Distance of tour : 112 km
  • Type of tour : Síkvidék
  • Levels : +320 m,- m
  • Average slope: 0.6 %

  • Distance of tour : 112 km
  • Hardness of tour : Nehéz
  • Type of tour : Síkvidék
  • Levels : +320 m,- m
  • Average slope: 0.6 %

We start our tour in Kisköre. First, we ride across the hydroelectric power plant then the dam and we arrive to Abádszalók. From there, we go to Tiszaderzs, where across the levee again, we ride until we reach Tiszafüred.

If we ride through this town, we will be able to make our tour shorter a bit on the Road No 33 towards Poroszló. However, we can choose the longer way, as well. In this case, from Füred to Tiszacsege we ride on the dam and we cross the River Tisza by ferry.

On the other shore, we ride on the levee and passing next to Tiszadorogma, we go to Tiszabábolna. From Bábolna we go to Poroszló. Meanwhile we ride through Tiszavalk, Négyes and Borsodivánka, too.

Finally, we go on the dam, riding close to Sarud and Dinnyéshát, until we reach Kisköre.

Ajánlott kiadványok
